Bruce W. McCollum

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Why Continuing Education for Realtors is Relevant to Me

PIC - CONTINUING EDUCATION PHONEContinuing education for professionals in America is a responsible way to ensure ongoing development of skill and a focus on the true ideals affecting the duties, obligations and expectations of that profession.  Real estate agents and brokers (Estimated to be about 2 million strong in America with active licenses and 86,000 real estate brokerage firms)  are really quality of life focused people as their recommendations, choices and direction provided to clients impacts families and communities.  In Michigan, where products are available immediately there are currently 42,419 salespersons, 9,942 associate brokers, 11,348 brokers and 716 branch officers.

What is available in the marketplace spans a really wide pendulum.  Some courses bore truly motivated professionals with discussions on termite control by an extermination company hoping for referrals while others may focus on key principles of home inspections by a provider hoping for business referrals.  While these no doubt have value there can be even more when the focus shifts to:

  1. How real estate agents and brokers can examine and influence neighborhood development; combining the social sciences with the sales process
  2. How sales techniques can marry with a wider understanding of a customer’s needs
  3. How to assess family dynamics before making property recommendations
  4. Heightening income for self ethically and honorably

States such as Michigan are pretty specific in terms of requirements but even that leaves room for creativity, a combining of the professional acumen with the personal growth elements continuing education should provide.

Note the rules:

(1)  Within each 3-year license cycle, a licensee shall successfully complete at least 18 clock hours of continuing education courses that involve any subjects that are relevant to the management, operation, and practice of real estate or any other subject that contributes to the professional competence of a licensee or applicant. All of the following apply to this continuing education requirement:

  1. In each calendar year of each 3-year license cycle, a licensee shall complete at least 2 hours of the required 18 hours of continuing education courses.
  2. In completing the appropriate number of continuing education courses, a licensee may select education courses in his or her area of expertise, but at least 2 hours of the education courses in a calendar year must involve law, rules, and court cases regarding real estate.


There is definite appeal in completing CEUs at our convenience

Our entity, Professional Business Education, Inc. has developed programs to be introduced October 1, 2015 first in Michigan and moving from there to Georgia, Florida, Illinois and Ohio.  The process will combine live events with pre-recorded web events in order to accommodate the preferences of busy real estate professionals.

Better yet both agencies and individual agents and brokers can handle their continuing education on a subscription basis.  They pay a flat monthly rate (Averaging $8.00).

Since coursework, developed for the professional on the go, with contributions from seasoned real estate brokers, psychologists, sales trainers, construction manages, engineers and neighborhood association representatives, the eighteen, (18) hours of total course work will rock the industry with its wide appeal and focus on individual and professional growth.

The first live events begin December 7, 2015 in Livonia, Michigan.

Initials subjects are:

  1. How to gauge family dynamics that can impact sales recommendations
  2. Understanding the requirements of adult foster care so you can recommend the best property and the one requiring minimal modifications
  3. On the commercial side, what building type best serves the needs of an adult day health care provider
  4. How faith, family and background influence residential real estate choices

Stay tuned for more information here…posted with greater detail by September 20, 2015.  Click Here to visit the on-line store.

Realtors sign in and share your thoughts or find this discussion in the Group “Continuing Education for Real Estate Agents and Brokers

Bringing the 20+ years of skill and experience my team and I have employed in the business of care to real estate is something worth looking into.


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