Bruce W. McCollum

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When it Comes to Viruses, Child Care Providers Must Befriend Knowledge

While panic based in ignorance serves no one well, a heightened awareness could promote the right behavior and save lives

At all times of the year we are all rightfully concerned about the spread of infection, although this year those concerns are heightened.  Ebola and the Enterovirus D-68 virus are what most are thinking about.  This article speaks to renewed concerns about the flu. (Click the word flu).

Child care providers have special concerns since they deal with children daily who come from different homes which may have very different standards about overall cleanliness and pathogen control.  Our team has re-developed our course on Disease Prevention in Child Care Environments to include a special focus on the Enterovirus D-68 virus.  The continuing education course that specifically satisfies the requirements for child care administrative and care providing personnel in Michigan is covered in three, (3) parts and conducted live October 29th at 10:00 a.m., November 6th and November 13th at 1:00 p.m. (Each date is a link for those who choose to register).

On-Line Training is Convenient and Efficient

It is also available as a pre-recorded, on-demand item.  What is of paramount importance is that those who care for children know how to recognize the symptoms and know how to work toward prevention.  The course also provides a handout for child care providers to use to hand to parents of children in their care.  (Click here for Press Release)

Continuing education is of the highest value when it speaks to the “here and now” and right now virus prevention via best practices is the most relevant health care oriented subject around.





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