Bruce W. McCollum

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Use Meaningful Events to Build Assisted Living Base….

PIC - CSC INSTRUCTOR AT TABLE 3-13-06Whether its seniors living within 15 miles of your location or discharge planners and independent clinical case management staff, all of them have one thing in common: They benefit from knowledge about the latest innovations in care delivery and local programs that may be evolving that can benefit their households or those whose care they manage. Resources such as are great for this but so many professionals are cautious about where and what they post for fear an insecure person who views them as a competitor might report their posts as irrelevant. A small-minded tactic but it happens.

How can you respond and benefit? Use your assisted living program as a community beacon of education and care knowledge. Is there a local gerontologist who can visit and conduct a discussion on managing certain aspects of aging? Perhaps everything from fall prevention techniques to muscle strengthening and agility improvement in the elderly to changes in long-term care insurance regulations. You can invite households where someone lives over the age of 70 on a specific day from the 10 zip codes surrounding your facility along with numerous care coordinating professionals.

You establish yourself as a beacon of care related information while gaining more exposure for your services. Credibility also follows as a result of aligning yourself with professionals who have something meaningful to contribute. Speakers from the local Veterans Medical Center can speak to the Aid & Attendance benefit not to mention care available for veterans which is improving in all kinds of ways thanks to recent scandal allegations.

These events are powerfully effective and meaningful networking tools with across-the-board benefits.

Tips on coordinating this strategy and others will be talked about in the May 28, 2014 webinar for those interested in success in and expanded knowledge about assisted living, including smaller programs.

Here is the description:
This is to be a powerful discussion about a few things you may not have considered when it comes to an ongoing growth program or as we often say “business stability” program. There will also be valuable elements to the discussion for real estate developers and agents who sell assisted living programs and for new entrepreneurs looking to enter the business. Its about community sharing with Bruce W. McCollum, an owner in assisted living, adult day care and home health care leading this discussion. Might be the best $30.00 you ever spend. Event is recorded so if you register and cannot attend it will be sent to you to view in your leisure.

Registration Link: ‘Essential Growth Dynamics for Assisted Living Programs – An Intimate and Powerful Discussion’

PIC - LINKEDIN LOGOKeep up-to-date with tons of resources available for assisted living providers. Join the group: Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies

PIC - BUILDING BRAND WITH EVENTS MANUAL COVEREach registrant will receive a free copy of the manual: How to Organize Events and Build Your Brand.
As always you have my continued wish for your success.