Bruce W. McCollum

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Unchecked Emotions Will Lead to Lots of Grief in Care Business….

Martin was beyond excited to be starting his new life. He took a buy-out offer from his manufacturing employer and invested about 1/3 of those funds to start his new assisted living business. He was working to house eight persons in a ranch home, all of whom would have a degree of medical fragility. His program’s potential heightened since he was in an urban area and would provide services for those who traditionally could not afford the posh, suburban programs.

PIC - PRESIDENTIAL YPSI FRONT RAMP 2As work on the new home came to a close he anxiously awaited a response from the state licensing official assigned to inspect his program. Weeks went by. Finally they met and Marin was asked to make a few modifications including to the home’s ramp which was sloped a bit too much. He called his carpenter and this was repaired.

He was also asked to replace the fire extinguishers and ensure his entrance and and exit doors closed tightly. Then it was time to review his program data. During this process it was discovered that based upon his background he did not qualify to be the front-man for the business or the administrator of record but needed someone under whom he would learn the clinical end of the business. He was also instructed to re-work his Program Statement and ensure that the populations he would commit to serve had needs that fit with the qualifications of those running the program.

PIC - ANGRY WHITE MANMartin was beyond frustrated and often angry. After all in his previous employment things seemed to occur much quicker. Before long the relationship with the licensing representative became strained. Finally with the help of his technical advisor he made the adjustments and was licensed. You would think things went smoothly after that.

No they did not! Martin not only started viewing the licensing rep as his enemy but also all of her advice and instructions. Due to how he allowed this to be portrayed in his mind, he disregarded a number of regulatory items which led to his admitting residents he was not qualified to serve and his overlooking several physical plant issues. Within 18 months John was out of business.

His mistake was simple. He allowed his emotions to govern his approach to business management and likely it extended to how he interacted with his residents and their families. In addition instead of taking responsibility for his own shortcomings, including those impacting his entry into his new venture, he blamed others, namely licensing representatives when that was totally out of bounds.

PIC - BLACK WOMAN THINKINGSometimes you wonder if we are listening to what is discussed in the church, the mosque, the synagogue, etc. Truly spiritual people are willing, even if not immediately, to take responsibility for our own misgivings. When we do that we progress and we prosper because what is flawed in us – including but not limited to our own lack of reliability or inability to properly trust others – we work steadily and prayerfully to correct. We need to sometimes just stop, shutup and think before making final decisions or communicating with anyone. In the absence of this formula there is no doubt: Unchecked Emotions Will Cause Lots of Grief in the Business of Care.

PIC - LINKEDIN LOGORead more about our approach to the business of community based care by joining the group: Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies.