Bruce W. McCollum

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Care Oriented Trade Manual Updates To Keep With the Times…

Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. and our group of researchers have long enjoyed producing manuals that speak to the operational details and triumphs of various care business models.  These are typically experienced based.  All are available in our online stores at and

Here are some highlights of recent updates to the various manuals and how you can obtain them:

PIC - GROUP LIVING MANUAL COVERThe Complete Guide to Developing and Operating Group Living Programs

  1. How to integrate the work of independent case managers to add a clinical edge
  2. Key principles associated with being a partner to specialty hospitals
  3. Tips on negotiating a bit of independence in contracts with community mental health agencies
  4. Should you have your own Recipient Rights officer?
  5. A different Kind of Population Specialization
  6. Tips and Critiques on Obtaining Commercial Financing

Click Here to Get Me

PIC - ADULT DAY CARE MANUAL COVERThe Complete Guide to Success in Adult Day Health Care

  1. Developing an Income Stream Centered Around Personal Care
  2. Key Dynamics Associated with Catering to the Chronically Obese
  3. The Know-How of Integrating Outpatient Rehabilitation in a Physician Driven Care Model
  4. A Basis for Discussion When Interacting with VA Case Management
  5. Success Principles for Mobile Adult Day Care Operation
  6. Tips and Critiques on Obtaining Commercial Financing

Click Here to Get Me…


Home Care Business Development and Operations ManualPIC - HOME CARE MANUAL COVER 2015

  1. Developing Specialized Clinical Services Even in Non-Medical Companies
  2. 3 Tips for Retaining Quality Staff
  3. Effective Methods for Regionalizing Your Company
  4. Tips and Critiques on Obtaining Commercial Financing

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PIC - CHILD CARE MANUAL COVERGuide to Running a Successful Child Care Program

  1. Developing and Managing Programs for Children with Special Medical Needs
  2. How to Develop Partnerships with Corporations for Employee Child Care
  3. The Mobile Child Care Arrangement
  4. Tips and Critiques on Obtaining Commercial Financing

Click Here to Get Me…


We know you will not only enjoy these wonderful digital products but find wonderful critiques that can make a difference in your plans or your current operations.

We thank you as always for allowing us into your world of care.



Another Blog Post from the minds of Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. and its Chief Executive, Bruce W. McCollum.  Join us for a monthly podcast, next edition on ITunes called, “All that Care Can Be” – August  15, 2017.


For more on our commitment to the exceptionalism of small-scale group living, join the LinkedIn Group:  Small Scale assisted Living Success Strategies.


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