Bruce W. McCollum

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To Just Call Barbara Walters Lucky is Insulting….

PIC - BARBARA WALTERSI have been listening to several people today who have called Barbara Walters lucky. Some even used that term in reference to her career. Problem is I have studied her career, applied some of her strategies and its not about luck. Barbara is a hard worker period! She studies the news the world over and she sends that letter first to introduce herself to someone worthy of an interview. She makes that call at 2 a.m. when she knows that rock-star or politician has settled for the day and is off the road and asks for that few minutes of their time.

She sends that email or telegram with a bouquet of roses first if she is really convinced the interview will be worth her time and will fall into what her viewers label as newsworthy. She has learned how to stay ahead and leave competitors in the dust. As a result she has meant high ratings for news outlets that have employed her and even more profits.

These same principles apply to your adult day care, assisted living property, home health agency, skilled nursing and rehab center and more. If you are a Medicaid enrolled provider of adult day care in Minnesota, can you say that you have a database of every Medicaid eligible person in the 5 zip codes surrounding your center? Or shall we say, likely Medicaid eligible person. Are they hearing from you on a regular basis, perhaps monthly? Have you explained in that professional newsletter why their relative, friend, fellow worshiper or apartment complex resident would benefit so much from the services you offer?

Are you a building in a neighborhood or can your community associate a face with what you do? Another special strategy….

My first 24-hour home care case was referred to me by an employee in a state Adult Protective Services office. Would you like to know how it happened? In an upcoming health care marketing webinar I will tell more about it but the focus of this post is a reminder to all of us that hard work – strategically planned and energetically executed – is the road to recurring revenue and definite success. Does this describe your daily modus operandi?

PIC - LINKEDIN LOGOWant to hear specific strategies and hear more on the subject of innovation, strategy and growth from people who have accomplished magnificent things in care? Then be sure you have joined the LinkedIn Groups:
1. Adult Day Care Innovation & Growth and
2. Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies

I’ll see you, always at the top of your game!