Bruce W. McCollum

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The Things Care Providers Can Learn from Bar Rescue

PIC - BAR RESCUEIt happens to be a television reality show I had never heard of which is unfortunate considering it had its debut in 2011. Oh well we cannot be expected to keep up with every aspect of pop culture. Its called Bar Rescue and its a concept that has quite a bit of depth.

A gentleman with experience in that business model visits undercover with his team and observes job performance issues among employees that would make any owner scream. They range from unsanitary re-usage of drink utensils to theft to customer abuse.

Anyone who has utilized the services of a care providing organization, i.e. care in your home or the home of someone you love, adult day care and even assisted living or if you own or have owned such a service you can appreciate the concept of the show. It is about how a business can quickly go to the dogs without proper ownership or management oversight that is both consistent and purposeful.

In adult day care and assisted living, care free staff can ignore the needs of a resident or program participant seemingly with relative ease. Nutrition and hydration needs can be overlooked and sometimes even the required movement to minimize or address the onset of pressure wounds is pushed to the side. The home’s sanitation is ignored way too often in smaller assisted living programs and when in combination with neglect of resident personal care the odors make it obvious what kind of program we are dealing with.

PIC - MATTIC AND BRUCE FLIPPED 3-4-2014Private duty home care can run into the same management foibles. I know quite a bit about this business and if I have learned one thing it is that you must make every effort to recruit the best people, train them, be sure the Plan of Care for your client is understood and visit the site of the client on a regular basis. If you really take home care seriously there must be a field manager for every 15 cases and that person visits each case at least once per week at varied times. Heavily involved ownership is equally if not more essential in group living and adult day care programs.

Having to use the word rescue when referring to any business is scary enough. If it is being used because you are literally drowning due to poor performance that is tied to poor or absent supervision, the situation is even more serious. So develop and put in place that Quality Control Plan that equips people to succeed and monitors their performance. In the absence of it, even the concept of Bar Rescue may not be able to help.

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