Bruce W. McCollum

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That Kitchen a Huge Deal in Group Living Success

PIC - UNSANITARY KITCHENImagine entering this lovely eight, (8) bed small assisted living home and being taken by the elegance.  The furniture is functional yet stylish and the staff are well attired in proper caregiving wear.  And then as you walked pass the kitchen you are horrified knowing from first glance there is no way it can be sanitary.

It occurs more often than you think in both small scale assisted or group living programs and in adult day care centers.  Problems range from:

  1. Employees not being properly trained on what constitutes a germ remover
  2. Employees not being properly trained on blood flow management and removal
  3. Employees not being properly trained on cross usage of certain cooking oils
  4. Employees not being properly trained on safe food storage, including temperature control

The resulting contaminated environments pose risks for both the employees and residents.  Liability could even be created, making proper staff training and ongoing in-service sessions of grave consequence.

adult foster care baseThe course, “Sanitary Kitchen Management that Prevents Disease” is among the tools providers are using to not only explain in simplistic detail the value of a sanitary kitchen but specific practices to ensure it is maintained in a sanitary fashion throughout the day and night.

Click Here for an informative video presentation about this important subject and processes.

Surely it is a mistake to conclude that this subject is small or trivial.  Those we serve deserve our commitment to best practices in every operational category.

Will you ensure your staff development program includes coverage of this important item?

and share your thoughts.


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Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies

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