Bruce W. McCollum

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Temperament Kills too Many Otherwise Good Care Providers

PIC - ME 2-2010I have seen care providers come and go from adult day care to assisted living to really promising home care providers.  Some of them brought that special compassion that allowed them to visualize new ways to make a client’s life better with every contact.  Even with such initiative and commitment I cannot give you a phone number for some of them.  Why?  Their businesses have imploded, and yes they are gone.

The reason?  Often there is a combination of items but for many its simply a matter of temperament.

All of know that every relationship requires an ability on the part of us all to adjust and business relationships are no different.  In assisted living, home care and adult day care payments from public payer sources might be late.  A check from a responsible client relative could be delayed or forgotten.  A request for clarification regarding an issue in the client’s medical history may take longer than planned.  It simply happens.

No one cares for an unpredictable temperament

Ideally we remain equipped and prepared to do our very best to manage these situations with back-up plans, internal preparedness and systems that ensure we get our job done regardless of how the approach or response of someone else may impact us.  If we do not take this approach and choose to blow our stack, even with the wrong usage of words, the end game will be our own suffering.

One thing is for sure:  Care managers in payer sources, families of those we serve and those who regulate our business models will not – without response that could negatively impact your business – tolerate long-term your flippant, confrontational, condescending or delusional approach to business relationships and you should not expect them to.

Even if it happens informally through slowed or reduced referrals, your behavior can impact the flow of business that comes your way

Whatever personal adjustment may be required it is worth it.  After all what a shame to lose it all suddenly and/or watch it dwindle because our uneven, unpredictable or unreasonable temperament stood in the way of wealth building success.

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