Bruce W. McCollum

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Group Home Managers Deserve Every Possible Edge…

Its easy to critique and to criticize those whom we choose for management roles in assisted living programs.  The group home manager is no different.  However, their work is so versatile and their responsibilities so immense that they become a member of several professions during each shift.  These auxiliary roles include housekeeper, secretary, bookkeeper, social […]

Specialization Works in Small-Scale Group Living

Often when we hear the term specialization in the business of operating a group home we think about the process of being recognized to serve those with mental and developmental challenges.  This is the case with many regulatory designations, including within the Michigan adult foster care system. However, for many specialization involves a much broader […]

Group Home Organization Advice

Growth, real prosperity and fulfillment in business is tied to proper organization.  Tons of people run, run, and run and even lose sleep as they ponder ideas and new methods.  Without organization and the kind of execution that organization provides, all they are accomplishing is maintaining what they might have and ruining their health.  Most […]

Group Homes are Viable but Require Special Success Ingredients

The group home is viable.  This care business model has saved families, kept communities united and assisted entrepreneurs with a focus on compassion to find fulfillment in service to the needs of others.  Regardless of the costly mistakes made by current and previous owners who allowed greed to turn into substandard care, regulatory compliance breakdown […]