Never Let an “Over-Reaction” Lead to an “Under-Performance”
Famed master salesperson, the late Zig Ziglar threw that statement around quite a bit, the one used in our title. While it might be left to interpretation by some, we know he related it to the life of the small businessperson. These hard-working entrepreneurs might be the most time-starved people on the planet. In almost […]
A Special Care Coordinator’s Invite….
Those involved in care coordination, including case managers, always enjoy learning of new resources in the community. Any progressive case manager/care manager will tell you they often have to organize their long-term care resources into geographic areas, to efficiently serve those in their caseload who require residential care. On September 19, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. […]
Why I am Not Super Quick to Unsubscribe

I recall our office receiving a phone call several years ago from an assisted living business in Michigan. It was a support staff worker telling us her boss asked her to help cut down on some of the junk mail they were receiving. So she was calling us since a postcard from our training company […]
Reality: Be Prepared to Market to Dissatisfaction
More often than I care to admit I speak to people regularly who are looking to quantify how many people they may be able to serve in their new care oriented business. Sometimes its home care, adult day care, assisted living or even pharmacy. In places such as the American State of Michigan some contemplate […]