Bruce W. McCollum

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Survey Marketing Endears and Promotes Growth

Several customers stand on a red target surrounded by words Target Customers.

One inescapable reality that is associated with successful community oriented marketing programs is that your strength is in the numbers. Which numbers? Knowing how many prospective clients live in the service area you target.

If you are a child care center maybe that population includes those who are ages 2 months to 13 years. If you serve medically fragile seniors maybe that age group is 55-100. The question for you as the entrepreneur is how many persons in those age groups live in your service area and where?

You need to know!

Small children at a daycare center.
Small children at a daycare center.

Secondly how many have you written to and inquired about their child care or other experiences and learned how satisfied they have been in a specific area of service? Think of the advantages to you when just 15 write or call back with specific deficiencies in their child care experience, allowing your business development personnel to now respond with how you manage the same situations with greater proficiency.

The same can be true if we serve others in adult day care, private duty home care or assisted living settings.

Survey marketing while ultimately leading to increased profits for you, first and foremost expresses a genuine interest in how families and others are being served in your neighborhood. It’s a way to gain information, make friends and solve real problems which endears you to those you want to serve.

It’s never too late to make new friends and turn those friends into customers.

Our marketing programs for care providers are second to none and blend the on-line with the shoe leather concepts of long ago, for the sole purpose of heightening who knows about you in your very own community. We also ensure your customer base knows why you are different and special.
Our programs engage:

1. On-line surveys
2. U.S. Mail surveys
3. Blog writing and management
4. Telephone prospecting
5. Direct reporting back to you, our client


No large mail campaigns for you, since you are delegating all of this to our team. You keep refining the business, we keep getting the word out.

Visit our on-line survey form always included in blogs at and

Contact us:
866.982.4449 Ext. 101

Click Here to send us information about your needs on-line.

Click Here for this Blog as a Printable White Paper item

• Programs starting at $2500.00 which varies depending upon type of business model and number of leads contacted
• Programs available to adult day care, assisted living, child care and nursing centers only



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