Bruce W. McCollum

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Stay Ahead of the Game in Assisted Living Documentation

The care business is one of those that totally revolves around humans. It is also among those where follow-up is a major element of success. After all, people can change as well as their clinical conditions which could necessitate adjustment in how we care for them.

PIC - CARE CONFERENCE FAMILY WOMENArranging care conferences with family members, guardians and other designated representatives is of vital importance. Many decide to do so quarterly while others decide to do so monthly. This will vary with the business model as adult day care programs tend to arrange them quarterly with a monthly written report.

PIC - MALE NURSE WRITING REPORT BLACKOften the care conference can summarize how the person is benefiting from the assisted living services. It can also include how they respond to certain efforts of staff to render assistance. What really matters is that the preparer of such reports understands how to convey vital information while anticipating what may be of interest to resident representatives while also not crossing any lines of confidentiality and negativism. Please Click Here for a sample report prepared by a multiple location assisted living company.

Details should include:
1. Changes or recommended changes in medications or care protocol by the resident physician
2. Changes in appetite, level of cooperation with staff and overall compliance
3. Indications the resident may be posing a newly observed danger to themselves or others

These care conference reports serve to educate families on how your program is impacting the life of someone they care about. In addition it provides staff with a basis for enhanced observation and reporting of change with the goal of providing the best assisted living experience possible.

So whether we have 6 beds or 20, be sure and stay ahead of the game when it comes to documentation and use regular, accurate, responsible reporting to demonstrate your value as a professional assisted living provider.
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