Many in the business of care from adult day services to group home management are non-profits. Some pursue this business formation type as it qualifies them for certain public reimbursements and other items including participation in certain food bank programs.
There can be another advantage. Every business in care, especially group living and adult day care, encounters those who cannot afford to pay for the level of services they require and may be a dollar or two above certain income and asset guidelines to qualify for certain public funding. It is in these instances that your business community could be useful but you need to know how to organize, develop and pursue their involvement.
A corporation, earning $20 Mil annually can surely afford to sponsor $1100.00 per month for one, (1) person to attend your adult day program or live in your facility which is a better option than a nursing home for many. However, in order for that corporation to benefit from the tax advantage of the sponsorship, a tax exempt provider needs to be offering the service.
Maggie Dolan (whose name has been changed as she fears hundreds of calls from people to her adult day care) tells us she has six, (6) local companies that sponsor twelve, (12) of the people who use her adult day care on a regular basis. When one is discharged or dies, etc. she submits a request to continue for another program participant which includes a highly professional portfolio with the participant’s photo, health history, etc.
In two, (2) cases the companies have hung the photos of the person they are sponsoring in break areas of their company – touting their support of their local business community and recognition of the need for social awareness – and employees have made individual contributions upward of $48,000.00 per year. It all helps to keep the center a vital part of the neighborhood and keeps it financially healthy.
To engage a partnership with your business community that leads to sponsorships be sure of the following:
- Have a tax exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service
- Check to find out if your state attorney general requires a certification as a charity before you can request donations
- Develop a professionally designed, photography filled sponsorship kit that explains your program, your work and how sponsorship campaigns work including length of time a sponsor is expected to be available
- In your business newsletter that you circulate through the community and on-line, create ad space for the sponsoring business and encourage the community to use their products or services
- Develop feature articles that can include photos of the company’s employees and the person or persons whose care they are sponsoring. You will need permission of both sides but its really good public relations for the sponsoring business and for you.
Your initial communication will be with a person in a position such as Director of Community Services or someone on an executive level who will filter your communication to the person who can follow-up. You can develop numerous contacts by reading publications such as Crain’s Detroit Business or other journals that highlight the inner-workings of local corporations.
Just be sure that initial communication rocks with a thorough explanation of what you offer, how you impact individuals and families and proof of your tax exempt status. I also recommend a one-page bio with a photographic history on the program director. All of this adds to your legitimacy.
Best wishes as you embrace corporate sponsorships to heighten how effectively you can serve your community.
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