Bruce W. McCollum

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Smaller Group Home Operations Can be Both Profitable and Meaningful; if…

PIC - EMBRACE GROUP HOME EXTERIOR 1Spending the morning with the operator of a SE Michigan group home was indeed a rewarding experience. I know this runs contrary to what some believe or have heard about group home operations but this small, assisted living program is indeed the exception. How so?

PIC - EMBRACE GROUP HOME MARIAN AND MARIA 9-2014First it serves the medically fragile elderly including at least one married couple. In the absence or unavailability of such a program where would these residents be? Likely in a skilled nursing center with 100 or more residents and receiving less personal attention and in a less than dignified, less than home-like environment. But there was more and I chronicle it here:

PIC - EMBRACE GROUP HOME BATHROOM 2 HANDICAPPEDSecondly, the records were impeccable. The owner is committed to the best in documentation standards and he shows it in his every approach. Yes I trained him but it is his commitment that is truly making the difference.

PIC - EMBRACE GROUP HOME BEDROOM 2Thirdly, is the condition of the home, including the handicapped accessible bathrooms. While these residents have a degree of fragility you could not smell a thing when I walked in. It is obvious his sanitation plan is being followed and is an integral pat of the staff duties.

PIC - EMBRACE GROUP HOME DINING AND KITCHENFourth, the residents were being treated like royalty. I did not notice any impatience on the part of staff, no hurried approaches to care and the staff were all in uniforms (scrubs) and had each been properly vetted as documented in their files.

The last thing I have to mention was the mindset of the residents. I sat and mingled with some of the older ladies and we laughed and laughed. Each had a feeling of security and contentment and looked to the owner with such respect and appreciation.

I do not need to tell you his income is surely attractive and he is only in his 3rd month of operations. However, before the income must come a real commitment to quality on every level and he is making sure of that.

So “Smaller Group Home Operations Can be Both Profitable and Meaningful; if…” on every level of the operation from personnel training and ongoing development to sanitation programs to techniques used in care delivery, there is a special, consistent commitment to the highest quality of execution.

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