Bruce W. McCollum

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Rumors, Reasoning and Junk Impacting Group Homes…


The latest floating around from more than one state – Michigan being the latest – is that the licensure for group homes, which currently allows for up to six, (6) residents without special zoning or other circumstances may be reduced to four, (4).  We suppose those already licensed for six, (6) will be grandfathered in, but who knows.  Who also knows if this is true although this did not come from an uninformed source.

The larger concern in the event such a change were to occur would be the impact on income potential for providers.  A change in licensing requirements will not necessarily impact what a home can earn or is already earning per bed or per night.  As a result, such a change – while heightening the level of attentiveness in care due to having less people attended to by one, (1) staff member – would only serve to create a greater financial struggle for operators.

No one seems absolutely sure where this will go, but you can bet there will be considerable push back.  Stay tuned.

Penny for your thoughts!


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