All of us know the care business always has potential. Let’s face it people who cannot totally take care of themselves rely upon the rest of us.
Advantages associated with purchasing an existing business either in adult day care, assisted living or home care include:
- Established reputation of previous owner
- Sense of goodwill in community that is familiar with a credible operation
- No need to reinvent everyday matters including policies that govern the business since these may already be in place
Of course a business managed by the wrong people can bring more drama and heartache so you need to do your homework well. Such an opportunity exists now in the Western Wayne County suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. A 6-bed home whose owner wants to double his focus on skilled home care outside of Michigan is now for sale and is generally at capacity.
Some details:
- Location: Western Wayne County – Michigan
- Business Asking Price: $168,000.00
- Annual Revenue: $80,000.00 at capacity average after expenses satisfied
- Real Estate: Also for sale but owner will entertain a lease
- Accessibility: Ramped, has barrier free entry and exit
The home is under contract with a Medicaid waiver agent to serve their enrollees and with a national referral source for placements.
Purchasing something already in existence can also provide a jump start to larger goals in care oriented entrepreneurship.
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