Bruce W. McCollum

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Proudly Announcing a New Course Addition…

Proudly Announcing a New Course Addition…

Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc., a premier provider of international online training for multiple professions – with a special focus on long-term care – has introduced a new course to be made available not later than December 1, 2021.  (Likely roll-out is November 15, 2021.)

The title is:  Assisting those Your Service with Tardive Dyskinesia.  A special domain has been assigned which is

What is Tardive Dyskinesia:  Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a serious side effect that may occur with certain medications used to treat mental illness. TD may appear as repetitive, jerking movements that occur in the face, neck, and tongue. The symptoms of TD can be very troubling for patients and family members.  A neurologist is often involved with treatments, which can be tricky since you cannot simply terminate psychotropic medications at once.

The course, developed to support four, (4) continuing education credits is available to nursing home administrators, adult foster care and other assisted living models, adult day care/health practitioners and mental health networks.  It is expected that it will be of particular interest to residential providers who care for those managing mental illness and intellectual disorders.

A submission for national CEU approval to the National Association of Long-Term Care Administrator Boards is contemplated for early November 2021.

CORF operators who provide certain psychosocial services will also benefit.  Our commitment is real, and we will continue to demonstrate that commitment with the most relevant products the marketplace has to offer.



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Another Blog Post by Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc.