More often than you might think the term “private duty” can spell a sense of neglect or non-duty for some. In this writing we refer to home care but not the typical Medicare certified skilled set of services, i.e. nursing and rehabilitation in a patient’s home for one, (1) certification period. We are speaking about long-term services often for many hours per day and in some cases 24/7.
The very term unskilled confuses the public enough and the reality is that state governments, in licensing private duty companies, have regulatory categories for those who provide nursing and other skilled services. Of course some companies stick to more companionship, respite care and homemaker style services while others offer the services of skilled professionals to manage issues of physician directive compliance, wound management, condition management, i.e. diabetes and more.
Regardless of the specific client needs, a Plan of Services is essential. This is true even if you believe your services will be mostly unskilled by definition. Click Here for a sample Plan of Services. Notes taken from that assessment visit should be used to develop a road map for service success.
A Plan of Services acts an an addendum to service agreements and can ensure a mutual understanding between those we serve, our companies and client representatives. It can even shield from certain liability. Additionally a Plan of Services provides a blueprint for those rendering the assistance in the home and sends a unified message of purpose and professionalism.
For service monitoring sake it also provides a basis for examination of established service goals and a recipe for determining if those goals are being met. Every responsibility needs a blue print for success.
So even if what we all label as “skilled” care you plan to avoid, you still need a written plan with significant detail in order to get the job done right.
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