Bruce W. McCollum

Dark Mode

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My Own Education Business for $2500.00, Really?


Ok let’s reason together.  How many of us are in the workplace and have been in the same business model for perhaps decades.  Imagine what you have to offer to others.  Maybe you’re a:

  1. Current or retired educator; either classroom teacher. counselor or principal who has something to offer on
  • Classroom Management
  • Managing union politics

    Teacher with a group of high school students in classroom
    Teachers have valuable experience to pass on
  • Managing relationships with upper management
  • Complementing or tailoring curriculum to enhance student achievement based upon individual need
  • Managing interactions with angry parents
  • Assisting the student with tons of discord at home to learn regardless of domestic challenges

      2. Current or retired state or federal employee who can provide advice on….

  • Obtaining contracts
  • Bidding mistakes to avoid
  • How to under promise and over deliverPIC - CHIEF OF POLICE FEMALE

3.  Current or retired law enforcement or security executive who can provide advice or strategic  direction on….

  • Managing situations with active shooters
  • Ensuring safety in specific venues i.e. schools, markets, libraries or sporting events
  • Tips for selecting the most qualified firearms instructor

4.  Current or retired real estate agent or broker who can provide advice on….


  • Tailoring sales approaches based upon family or buyer dynamic

Of course there are many others from pilots to union presidents to shop managers.

To be true, the web has plenty of people who talk about helping you to sell what you do.  So many of these pitches have noting to do with helping you develop your product.  My team and I, under my direct supervision will provide:

  1. Assistance bringing your knowledge to life in print form for distribution on the web (We want you to be credible)
  2. The design of your corporate identity
  3. The development of your actual on-line school
  4. The on-line marketing of your services including initial on-line issued press releases
  5. Mentoring via email and phone for a year at no additional cost
  6. Sales letters aimed at your target with contact info for up to 1500 contacts

Imagine all of this for $2500.00.  Better yet considering I operate several online schools, I do not bring theory,  I bring experience.  Let’s say the manual I assist in creating for you sells worldwide for $29.95 and you sell 1,000 of them per year worldwide.  Well what is wrong with another $29,000.00 added to your personal income?  Of course there is nothing wrong with $290,000.00 either.

The new media revolution can enhance your life or you can let it pass you by.  Let me help you make the best usage of it.



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Phone: 866.982.4449

Photos used are for communicative affect only and may belong to their respective licensees. They must never be received as an indication of the support or endorsement of or by or affiliation with any individual or organization.  Photos are also not meant to disparage any race, gender, faith, ethnicity or sexual orientation.  The photos used are for the sole purpose of complementing the subject matter written.  The subject matter is designed to be the basis of discussion and is not intended to bring harm or reproach to any individual or organization.  Those I mentor in developing your own online schools may opt to add additional online and other marketing which would not violate any agreement with me.  Of course no professional mentor can guarantee the success of any project, however, working together we can surely set measurable and meaningful goals and work toward accomplishing them.

Another joint product of Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. and Health Industry Marketing.  Request more information at: