Bruce W. McCollum

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My Commitment to the Medical Practice Exceeds Earnings

There is no shortage of American physicians reaching out to me who want to improve diagnostic criteria

My team is a busy one.  It really is an honor for us utilize our time helping many physicians to accomplish meaningful tasks with a focus on personalized medicine. This involves assisting medical practices to utilize meaningful diagnostic and related patient knowledge tools that enhance the physician’s knowledge base. The result is more person-centered care while at the same time adding billable products to the services available within the medical practice. This applies to internal medicine physicians, oncologists, allergists, urologists, psychiatrists and others.  (Click Here for further explanation of this department within our company on the web)


PIC - DNA YOUR RESPONSE TO DRUGSWe accomplish our primary goals through Pharmacogenetic testing (PGx). This testing provides information about a patient’s likelihood to have an adverse response and/or a therapeutic response to a medication, enabling the potential for a tailored and personalized approach to medication therapy.  Our DNA does speak to how our bodies may tolerate or make usage of certain medication therapies and our physicians need to know this.

Our approach extends even beyond this.  For example we provide the tools required for physicians to conduct:

Special Cancer Prevention Screening: FDA approved, lab tested and billable tools that assist a physician to examine the likelihood of a patient developing ovarian, breasts, endometrial and other cancers

Laboratory tests to detect signs of bacterial vaginosis. These tests performed in the offices of both internal medicine and OB/GYN physicians will assist a physician to manage bacterial growth and treat and perhaps prevent serious urinary tract infections.

Of course we understand that there does not exist a medical practice that does not care to add to its financial stability with several thousand dollars more in income each week. That being said my primary goal remains forging the benefits to the patient base. It’s nice the two can co-exist.

Testing is all by mouth swab so no fearing the dreaded “blood draw”

Obviously a brief office visit is a legitimate basis for compensation but beyond that revenue hike, imagine the long-term affect on care for this patient. When you add an FDA approved specialized allergy test as a treatment knowledge tool, a patient quickly becomes aware of your heightened commitment to their long-term well-being. Plus the practice can now afford to see even the uninsured or under-insured as a result of the income increase derived from this service diversification.

We will continue to humbly request 10-30 minutes of time with key medical practice personnel throughout America to assist you in setting this up and allowing you to benefit so many people. My staff will even take the time to notify your patient base in writing and via the telephone to advise of the need to schedule an appointment as you improve on how well you know them or we will schedule them for you.

During the visit we:

a. Explain the process
b. Educate on billing issues
c. Leave with you several initial lab kits including the mouth swabs
d. Instruct on how to send them in for processing
e. Show the ease of reading these state-of-the-art lab reports (Sample enclosed)

So yes we all earn, but look at the beauty of what we are doing to accomplish that.

Click Here to download important White Paper item.


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Nursing Home Administrator Innovations

Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies


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Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc.
Phone: 866.982.4449

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Another joint product of Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. and Health Industry Marketing.  Request more information at: