Bruce W. McCollum

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My Approach to Writing Adds to its Value

PIC - BRUCE CUSTOM WRITING MONIKERI have been writing since I was a very little boy.  I recall Mrs. Franklin’s class in middle school which was the typing room but she also taught and stressed good grammar and spelling.  For a while I was a bit obsessed with good communication and most assuredly I have brought that to my writing work.

Today I write tons of things including:

  1. Policy Manuals
  2. Personnel Manuals
  3. Resumes
  4. Business Plans
  5. Clinical Program Descriptions
  6. Marketing Letters
  7. Sales Letters
  8. Marketing Postcard Language
  9. Press Releases and Kits
  10. Biographies in response to negative publicity
  11. Websites and more

When asked recently what set me apart I had to respond:  “The time I invest into knowing my clients and subjects intimately”.  I often think how any of my life or even business experiences could help me form just the right sentence for the project.  In other words, I take it personally.

adult foster care baseA real delight for me is custom training for care providers.  A nursing home administrator may call and ask me to write a special course on how best to manage work interactions between skilled and unskilled staff.  An adult day care provider may ask me for an in-service series dealing strictly with handling telephone traffic with a sales posture.  An investment group may ask me to write a programmatic narrative to be used in an effort to secure funding from a pension board or venture capitalist.

A school principal may ask me to write a manual on how teachers can improve relations with parents, including parents who may be less educated.  A funeral director may ask me to write a manual on appropriate protocol to be followed when staff is interacting with grieving families.

Regardless of the project scope or purpose, an effective writer stops to think how he/she can complement it with genuine experience.

So plan for pretty deep conversation when I lead the writing.  We have to get personal so I can get it right.



For more on my contribution to certain targeted areas join the Groups:

Nursing Home Administrator Innovations

Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies

Adult Day Care Innovation & Growth


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Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc.
Phone: 866.982.4449 Ext. 101

Photos used are for communicative affect only and may belong to their respective licensees. They must never be received as an indication of the support or endorsement of or by or affiliation with any individual or organization.  Photos are also not meant to disparage any race, gender, faith, ethnicity or sexual orientation.  The photos used are for the sole purpose of complementing the subject matter written.

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