Bruce W. McCollum

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Medication Administration Training in Correctional Environments a Must


It was early 2004 that I received my first call from a county juvenile justice department.  The facility manager asked if we would provide a medication training class for her staff.  It was to be a blend of the regulatory requirements published by that state and the traditional protocol associated with:


  1. Medication storage
  2. Medication abbreviations
  3. Authorized handlers
  4. Dealing with refusals to take a medication
  5. Side affects

Typically these facilities did not have full-time nurses, making our intervention of prime importance.  Meds were handled by front-line staff as is the case with many juvenile detention facilities.

This division of our company soon branched to the development of infusion, nutrition focused, wound care and other manuals for nurses in correctional facilities that serve adults across the world.

Wherever there are people and those people have medical needs, especially those taking psychotropic medications, training and regular in-services are of prime importance.

Stacie Schork – Manager of Services to Providers who Care for Adults

Not only is tremendous liability created when avoidable medication errors occur, but the threat to the health and safety of prisoners can also be compromised.  Correction executives, including in the private sector realize this.

State and county governments are known for being proactive in these areas and medication administration is not somewhere we want to skimp or ignore.  All humans with medical needs deserve dignified, comprehensive, person-centered care.  It is who we are as civilized societies.

For more details on our approach and to schedule services, contact Ms. Stacie Schork, Training Services Manager at 866.982.4449 Ext. 102,


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Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc.
Phone: 866.982.4449

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Another joint product of Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. and Health Industry Marketing.  Request more information at: