Responsible home care companies thrive on safety, person-centered care and reduced liability. Since my main interest is the development of personnel who render care in our rather litigious society, I write often about best practices aimed at preparedness.
One of our entities, Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc., provides training to large home care companies on a subscription basis, even allowing them to schedule sessions based upon subject using an on-line system. In this way costs can be contained while not compromising content quality along with consistency and ongoing effectiveness of presentation. (Click for Subscription Procedures and Costs)
I get the same question every time I sit with a larger home care provider. How do we organize this so we can take advantage of live sessions? Its a sensible question, so let’s break it down for a provider with 300 employees an an example.
We always conduct two, (2) subjects per session except under unusual circumstances. With ten, (10) subjects in our library for home care employees, this means everyone needs to attend on five, (5) individual occasions.

You then set-up all-day events with one, (1) group in the morning and one, (1) group in the afternoon. Each class has roughly thirty, (30) participants and using five, (5) days spread out in any manner the employer prefers, round one, (1) of the training is done.
When new or revised subjects become available, a new round is scheduled. What is really occurring is by means of our efforts, the private duty home care company is now operating their own training academy complete with a proprietary on-line school. The main advantage is accomplishing all of this without the expensive salaries and other perks that would normally be associated with hiring internal personnel.
The session subjects for home care personnel are:
- Medication Administration in a Private Home (Click for Course Preview)
- Rendering Personal Care Safely & With Dignity
- Wheelchair Safety & Etiquette
- Sanitary Kitchen Management that Prevents Disease
- Responsible Documentation Practices
- Best Practices for Maintaining Client Privacy
- Maintaining & Restoring Your Client’s Dignity
- Peg Tube Maintenance/Irrigation
- Managing Urine Drainage Apparatus
- Appropriate Protocol, Behavior in a Private Home
An 11th auxiliary subject is a review of specific policies that are proprietary to the employer which we interwove into a separate course item. We also make this available on CD at no additional cost to the client.
Heath claims personnel within no-fault and worker’s compensation insurance companies as well as case managers arranging in-home services, should ensure such an arrangement is in place before referring care. Quality matters and home care companies should have an incentive to stay on top of their game.
So there you have it. When you add our devoting up to ten, (10) hours in our client’s office helping them to organize the schedule and providing them with on-line tools to do so, its a win-win for everybody. People become better prepared to do their jobs, home care companies reduce liability and home care clients receive the highest quality services in your marketplace.
The logistics need not be a barrier when progress is the ultimate aim!!
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Constantly looking for something new to share for those busy providing care…