Bruce W. McCollum

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Losing Sleep Ok, But Then You Must Execute…


Have you ever been awakened with a good idea.  Comedian Jerry Seinfeld says his best jokes pop into his head at night, he wakes up and writes it down and goes back to sleep.  Of course the next time he is on stage, that joke gets put to use.  He executes!  I can imagine him sitting in a room with his writers and trying it out and even refining it.

Maybe this happens to you.  You wake up with good ideas too.  The question is does that idea lead to execution?  Are you sitting with people who qualify to take that idea and bring it to productivity?  You can bet Mr. Seinfeld has a team of tested, qualified writers, not someone at the table simply because they like or respect him.

Two major keys to execution of these good ideas are:

  1. Quickly developing a plan that takes the idea to a best practice
  2. Having support for the execution by qualified people


If we do not have in place a mechanism inside of ourselves or our organizations and if we are not surrounded by people who can make things happen, those good ideas – even in the middle of the night – will become mediocre projects at best or simply die in the intestinal track of the un-worked mind and untapped potential.

So write them down, smile, get excited – just be sure they are given the chance to change the world!

and share your thoughts.


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Photos used are for communicative affect only and may belong to their respective licensees. They must never be received as an indication of the support or endorsement of or by or affiliation with any individual or organization.  We have never met Mr. Seinfeld.  Photos are also not meant to disparage any race, gender, faith, ethnicity or sexual orientation.  The photos used are for the sole purpose of complementing the subject matter written.  The subject matter is designed to be the basis of discussion and is not intended to bring harm or reproach to any individual or organization.

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