Bruce W. McCollum

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In Arranging Admissions; Stick to Firm Set of Right Principles

PIC - WOMAN LOCKED OUT OF HOUSEOften when the proprietor of a smaller assisted living program is approached by a family or guardian regarding placement, the situation may border on desperate.  Perhaps the prospective resident has a psychiatric history and while in a psychiatric facility for medication adjustments and observation, their prior residence has decided not to allow them to return.  This may give a family only days to arrange for new services.

In other cases maybe there are behavioral issues that are non-violent but still pose a threat to the type of environment a resident’s current facility seeks to maintain.  You may or may not be told some of these things as you are asked to admit this resident.

In other cases maybe you are told all of the facts and now you have to decide if this admission is one you can properly serve.  Some factors to consider:

  1. As I come to understand the special needs of this person, am I sure they can be managed without compromising attention required by other residents?
  2. Based upon my understanding of their behavioral history am I confident I can integrate this new resident into the current population without disrupting the peaceful environment everyone now enjoys?

Unfortunately there are far too many instances where the admission is made based upon the financial needs of the home as opposed to what is best for the resident and their families.  When this new resident has to be discharged a few weeks later or sooner, the family is left to sPIC - MONEY GRUBBERtart the process all over, a tiresome and stressful event.

However, if the assessment process is approached unselfishly and with due consideration being given to the needs of the prospective resident and their designated representatives in combination with the assisted living facility, likely all will win.

This can only happen if when we are arranging an admission, we stick to a firm set of right principles.

For more insight on our approach to assisted living please join the Group:  Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies.