Developing training and continuing education products for us is not a new item. Both Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. and Child Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. have developed time-tested products that serve the special needs of community based care providers. These have often been extrapolated to guide larger, live seminar events for administrators in assisted living, skilled nursing and adult day services.
Now, when you click on one of our products in the on-line store, as you can do right here, a brief audio presentation explains why the course if of value and to whom. There is no confusion on the part of any potential user as to whether or not the course is applicable for your business model. The recording will tell it all.
Just another indication of how anxious we are to be of the highest quality of service to care providers across America.
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Nursing Home Administrator Innovations
Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies
Adult Day Care Innovation & Growth
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Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc.
Phone: 866.982.4449
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Another joint product of Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. and Health Industry Marketing. Request more information at: