Bruce W. McCollum

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“I Do Not Direct Like Most”


In June of this year I will direct our program for nursing home administrators in the State of Michigan.  Those who have attended other programs I have led know not to expect the ordinary.  This applies to both the environment and the program content for this process refinement and continuing education event.

My team and I believe that the nursing home continues to have the potential to impact long-term care in highly creative ways.  Through the combination of short-term rehabilitative models and long-term restorative models, neighborhoods and families can have significantly varied care options of the type we have not even touched as a nation.

When you add the value of meaningful, well-crafted, clinically focused partnerships with day services and group living programs, the matter only improves.

This year we shall delve into discussions with experts on nursing home management including:

  1. Early and Pro-active identification of risksPIC - NHA IMAGE 2016 EVENTS 6-2016.jpg
  2. Avoiding outdated care models and embracing innovation in person-centered care delivery
  3. How the nursing home loses so much money as a result of a lack of understanding of personal injury protection benefits payable under Michigan’s auto no-fault law and how to reverse this now.  People, positioning, processes!
  4. Tightening cash flow with new partnerships for closing older receivables and financing Medicaid pending patient dollars to contribute to financial health
  5. Utilizing the admissions process to take your marketing to new heights

Yes there will be balloons, giveaways, the band playing, along with lunch time and early morning presentations by our illustrious sponsors – whose areas of expertise ranges from case management to risk management to food service – and exhibitors from residential adult day services to medical needs transportation – but at the end of the day everyone will be professionally enriched.

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Click Here to Review Sponsorship/Exhibitor Opportunities

Join me in what ever capacity applies for you and let’s confirm our commitment to the highest quality of care delivery in the State of Michigan.  More details:



For more on our insights into community based care join the LinkedIn groups:

Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies

Adult Day Care Innovation & Growth

Nursing Home Administrator Innovations

Our other homes on the web:
Phone: 866.982.4449 Ext. 101

Lunch Time Break Out Private Sessions   are the Best

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Another joint product of Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. and Health Industry Marketing.  Request more information at: