Bruce W. McCollum

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“I Do Not Care to be Ordinary”

PIC - ME 2-2010I cannot begin to count the number of conversations I have held with those who run long-term care programs, mostly nursing home administrators.  Their frustrations and challenges are quite similar and so are the triumphs.  However, as we contemplate leaving 2015 with so many changes in the long-term care landscape, innovation or shall we say the desperation for it bangs on the door.

A few realities articulate how we have chosen to respond to this new time.


I. Today is Not Yesterday….

The nursing home administrator of yesterday was often looked upon as the person responsible for managing budgets, ensuring supplies are in place (you have to have enough bed pans) and providing general supervision to the home’s department heads. Today it’s pretty much the same but the role has evolved….

II. Shift in Focus

Today that administrator is not just managing the budget but having a major hand in crafting it. He/she is also busy meeting with boards of directors and membership committees to articulate innovation in care planning, expense reduction, marketing, relationship development and so much more.

III. Our Primary Role

As educators and trainers of these important professionals our take is one that is quite different from what others consider the norm. We do not wish to bore people with extensive discussions about regulatory drama and operationally mundane things.

PIC - SEMINAR PRESENTATIONWe raise the bar to include how the administrator can add to their own value with sharpened skills and innovative approaches to everyday tasks.

From marketing to developing enhanced relationships with referral sources our goal is to change the entire spectrum of how long-term care is approached.

In addition we use our products, including the newly developed and revised presentation, “Refining Every Aspect of the Nursing Home Operation” to prompt new ways of thinking and new approaches. This one examines ways to push the envelope of progress down the road to improved reputations and higher patient census.

There are recommendations for heightening patient engagement, refining the discharge planning process and marketing strategies unheard of 20 years ago but are mandatory today.

Presenters include internet marketing experts, business relationship experts with a special focus on the long-term care community and case managers who have totally reinvented discharge planning which starts with the admission. And how about using the admission as your greatest marketing tool.

IV. A Multi-Faceted Approach

PIC - NHA 2015 2016 COVER IMAGEIn November 2015 this program will be conducted live in Livonia, Michigan. In January 2016 it will be duplicated in St. Petersburg, Florida. In addition it will soon be available as a nationally approved on-line course allowing nursing home administrators to complete twenty, (20) hours of continuing education.

See the on-line store at and

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For more on our contribution to our targeted areas join the PIC - LINKEDIN LOGO Group:

Nursing Home Administrator Innovations

Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies


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Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc.
Phone: 866.982.4449

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Another joint product of Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. and Health Industry Marketing.  Request more information at:  866.982.4449.