Bruce W. McCollum

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How Small Businesses Uniquely Shoot Themselves in the Foot…


In the spirit of full disclosure I want to acknowledge in the beginning of this blog that our firm manages three, (3) on-line schools and have developed nineteen, (19) for others.  There are specific policies among us that require a certain type of customer response and we are proud of how this is handled so we share advice from experience.

Recently I ordered a government form from a vendor who converts these to MS Word documents.  I waited several hours after placing the online order for them to respond to me.  I received no email acknowledgment and finally I emailed the seller.  I received a response from her advising that she would try and find the order and get back to me.

A few hours later she sent the form.  Now maybe you know where this blog is going.  In my firm, barring some incredible emergency when someone places an online order we must send the digital product or access key to use the online school within four, (4) hours.  There are no excuses.  When you use digital products to complete continuing education and return review questions to us, we must validate and send you acknowledgment of completion within twenty-four, (24) hours.  Period.  There are no exceptions.


It dawns on us that small businesses have to be reminded of the need to set themselves apart with incredible customer service.  Of course the same applies to larger firms.

We cannot take a passive approach to responding to a customer who just placed an order.  The same is true of prospects.  We need to pick up that phone and show a real interest.

While we can afford to slow down some processes, sales and customer responsiveness are not among them.  Do you operate a small business?  Then be sure and not shoot yourself in the foot.


PIC - DCTC LOGO PROJECT MGTAnother Blog Post provided by Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. and its affiliates.  Photos and other images used are for the sole purpose of complementing written material and are not designed to imply or suggest an affiliation with or support by any individual or organization.


PIC - BRUCE CORPORATE FACE SHOT 2009Bruce Wayne McCollum is a long-term care operational and systems development consultant with a focus on care delivery programs for adults and children.  He works with clients throughout North America, Australia, Africa and Europe.  His organization operates online schools for providers of care to adults and children.  School for Providers of Care to Adults School for Providers of Care to Children.



pic-linkedin-small-scale-asst-living-success-room-image-jpgFor More on our commitment to the success of assisted living and other community based care providers, please join the LinkedIn Group:  Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies.