Bruce W. McCollum

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Florida Adult Family Care Home Viable as Family Business

Most states in America allow for the option to have many vulnerable adults receive residential care in a family setting.  In Michigan for example its called an Adult Foster Care Family Home, in Florida its called an Adult Family Care Home.  Then the Veterans Administration has their own model, typically limited to three, (3) residents, known as the VA Medical Foster Home Program.

PIC - ADULT FAMILY CARE HOME INTERIOR RESIDENTSThis means the resident, often a medically fragile senior, person with mental illness or developmental limitation lives not in a 24/7 staffed more commercial oriented, corporate owned environment but with a family who has licensed the home to provide residential care.  Often the home is barred from having non-ambulatory persons but this still provides  a large window of candidates who can be served.

The question of whether or not this business mdoel can support a family is a legitimate one and the short answer is yes.  It needs to be remembered that in most cases regulatory bodies limit such an arrangement to a maximum of five, (5) residents.

A home that is not crowded, comfortable, well maintained with attentive, well-trained personnel would often charge about $3,000.00 per month, per resident for care.  This home needs to develop a familiarity with other care resources in the area in order to help residents maximize their functionality and benefit from these other services so your care management hat has to be worn.

A budget at resident capacity might look like this:

$15,000.00 in gross income from five, (5) residents at $3000.00 each

Monthly Expenses:

  • $1750.00 Rent or mortgage
  • $  400.00 Liability insurance
  • $2500.00 Relief staff for the owner
  • $1300.00 Groceries
  • $ 800.00 Utilities


$6750.00 Monthly Expenses

  • $8250.00 Remaining for owner monthly when at capacity
  • $5200.00 Remaining for owner monthly when there are 4 residents
  • $2200.00 Remaining for owner monthly when there are 3 residents

Of course staffing costs will likely be less when the home is not at resident capacity.  Every operator will have to decide for themselves what staffing plan works best based upon how the business fits in with your life and regulatory requirements.  At the same time, you want residents  happy and to be able to benefit from a consistent staffing schedule.

Taking care of those who need a little help is indeed an honorable calling.  Its good to know that under the right circumstances it can also mean a decent family living.

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