Bruce W. McCollum

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Educating Nursing Home Administrators on Value of Adult Day Care

nursing home administration room pictureWhat an honor to spend this week helping Michigan’s nursing home administrators via an 18-hour workshop to understand the value of adult day care. Our focus was to draw attention to the clinical value of medical model, rehabilitative oriented programs.

PIC - NHA 2014 SEMINAR DEBORAH 1 FLIPSince so many programs come with physician involvement, professional care planning and rehabilitation along with family caregiver counseling, its important that other members of the long-term care community know that. Since nursing homes and hospitals must work together to promote the medical stability of the discharged hospital patient, its important to consider adult day services as part of the success formula.

Other aspects of the discussion included:

1. Long-term care benefits payable under Michigan’s auto no-fault law
2. Strategies for managing complex discharges
3. Saving money in key operational areas, and,
4. How to minimize liability when referring a resident to a group home environment

PIC - NHA 2014 BWM REDUCING READMISSIONSThe workshop goes national in August 2014. Together we can all keep positively impacting the value of long-term care in America and the world.

PIC - LINKEDIN LOGOFor more about ongoing nursing home administrator education and professional engagement join the group: Nursing Home Administrator Innovations