Every year millions of Americans are written traffic citations. Some might be illegal turns, others are speeding and others cause accidents. The worst receive citations when found to be operating a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
States across America are responding to the need to force drivers to sharpen skills and to rethink future behavior by sending them to driver improvement courses. These courses focus on:
a. Safety
b. Technique
c. Alertness
d. Consequences of Improper Driving Behavior
e. Response to Incidents, and
f. Vehicle Maintenance
While there are tons of driving schools focusing on new drivers, including teenagers and those new to America, this type of driver education is quite different and is a specialized item.
States require the submission of courses in order that they can be curriculum approved before being offered to the public by private companies such as Driver Safety Development, Inc. The provider of the training then has to notify the state driver’s license office when a course is completed.
Customarily, when a driver successfully completes such a course, they can avoid having points accumulate on their driver’s license and having the citation reported to their insurance companies by the state that issued the driver’s license.
The response to such training and acceptance of the benefits is greater than some might expect. A good example might be the States of Michigan and Florida. In Michigan 220,000+ people qualified to take the course last fiscal year and 73,000 did so. About 70% of these did so on-line with roughly 21,000 preferring to attend a live, in-person event.
The numbers are even greater in Florida with 330,000+ drivers taking the courses out of over 1.1 million who qualified and about 70% of those or roughly 231,000 took the courses on-line. The remainder opted to attend a live event. Like many states Florida has varying levels of the courses available including:
• Basic Driver Safety
• Advanced Driver safety
• Mature Driver Safety and
• Driving Safety for Those Cited for a DUI
Driver Safety Development, Inc. with the backing and technical support of 20-year professional course developer Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. and its team (www.directcaretraining.com; www.brucewmccollum.com) is attacking the market in spring 2015 from both fronts.
The company has established classrooms and satellite instructors in:
• Livonia, Michigan
• Bibb County, Georgia
• Jacksonville, Florida
• Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and
• Toledo, Ohio
The company plans to service – within nine, (9) months – in excess of 10,000 drivers in live events at an average cost of $49.95 per student. It has longer range plans of market penetration with its on-line courses that will be known for:
• Highly graphical presentations
• Professional, studio developed sound effects for each course
• Course option types (Some drivers may prefer the printed course with the review questions instead of sitting at a computer to take it)
A national goal of serving over 200,000 drivers across America has been established with State law specific courses being submitted to state governments averaging 5-10 states per month.
Company administration commits that no product in the market will match its product’s effectiveness, eye appeal or ease of usage.
Details will be published after April 20, 2015 on-line at www.driversafetydevelopment.com. Site is currently in development.
For more on my commitment to safer behavior on the roads and the connection to healthcare training visit our LinkedIn Group: Driver Safety & Improvement.
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