Bruce W. McCollum

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Do Your Customers Believe that You Care?

PIC - CAC STAFF AND ME 03-09 2Yes its the right word, “care” and those selling products and services need to care about the outcomes, performance and success of those we are selling to.  Its easy to think about the criminal defense attorney, nurse or doctor in their professions as really needing to care in order to bring the required passion to their tasks.  However, the application is much broader than that.

For example, I prepare and distribute training and continuing education products for group living providers.  This includes a variety of assisted living, adult foster care, adult family care home and similar provider models.  They serve a variety of populations.  Well I have been an owner in assisted living so I bring a degree of experience.  I have made morning rounds and found a resident had expired.  I have tussled with troublemakers looking for liability that was not present, I have battled regulators over the interpretation of a statute.

PIC - HOME CARE MANUAL COVER 2015As a result I understand what current providers must manage daily.  I bring no theory but tested, practical experience.  So I write with a passionate focus on what matters to them!  I also want to help my clients solve real problems if I am convinced they are serious about actual resolution.

All of us can do the same.  Surely outstanding customer service is a part of it.  However, we must also demonstrate a focus on ongoing success that serves their interests, ongoing refinement of processes that serves their interests and just enough flexibility to demonstrate you are human too.

Yes some relationships are almost impossible to manage and repair and, of course, there is an exception for those.  Barring that….


We should want to know that our customer or client has successfully solved a problem they called upon us for help with and we should be available to render assistance as needed.  They need to see we have arrived at that point where people are more than dollars and clients are more than income for one main reason:  “Because we care.”  Do you?

In the next blog:  How to Keep a Sharp Focus Even if We Manage Multiple Projects

and share your thoughts.


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