Section 2 in a 4-Part Personnel Series

Small assisted living programs, adult day care centers and other care venues must rely heavily upon direct care staff. These front-line necessities engage residents, provide high-quality personal care and promote good customer service in the assisted living residence.
Of course they need training in a variety of areas in order to be effective. This training must be regularly complemented with the kind of in-service sessions that polish skills and add new ones.
Developing reminders are also helpful and the response direct care workers bring to these reminders is your indication of whether or not they are truly committed to progress. Those focused on bringing others down to elevate self, who refuse to get the little things done or who demonstrate they are only committed to the bare minimum probably will not demonstrate a commitment to progress. Others are anxious to be their best.
Click Here for a brief video reminder that can be played for direct care workers in group living environments. It covers critical areas of success in small scale assisted living and provides pointers for developing effective daily work routines.
If you are a direct care worker be proud of how you contribute to the care and dignity of others. Just be sure your commitment to quality and progress never wanes.
and share your thoughts.
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