Bruce W. McCollum

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Can a Business Have Self-Worth?

Lots of advice around on self-worth and much of it has value.

There is no shortage of professionals who offer tons of advice on helping us all to add more value to our existence or to the way we view ourselves.  That advice may be of significant value for many.  With the absence of a healthy self-worth comes abuse of self, others, neglect of self and others along with damaged relationships – both of a personal and business nature.  Accordingly, such advice definitely has merit.

A healthy self-worth also helps us to manage disappointment and keeps us focused on the reality of even bad experiences as opposed to immediately thinking we created them.

Often advice designed to help a person develop an intensified self-worth centers on being involved in positive, meaningful activity and focusing on integrity which helps build meaningful alliances with others and even a healthy dose of physical exercise.  There is also often the advice to limit association or involvement with negative people.

Now let’s see, how much of that can be transferred to a business?  Pretty much all of it…

Of course in this blog we tend to focus on businesses in care.  This includes adult day care, home care and small assisted living providers.  Your business can have self-worth and it is all tied to the operation.

Now admittedly no one and no business can do everything right.  However, the way that business operates can endear its buying public to it through best practices.  We can also add value to doing business with us by always heightening our level of personal interest, reliability, documentation and those Christian values that show money is only part of your operating formula.  There cannot be a healthy self-worth tied to the business when a home care company refuses to provide reports about how the service is being rendered and/or received.  The same is true of adult day care and group home providers.

Nobody cares for a “know-it-all”

That “I need more residents” mentality is annoying when it comes from a provider who looks at residents as nothing more than cattle with dollar signs floating over their figurative heads like halos.  The same is true in private duty home care.  If you want your business to be able to stand its ground then you have to develop a track record of management involved, reliable, accountable delivery of services that are both serious and personal.  In home care you are in someone’s home, often around-the-clock as a surrogate for their families.  While every case is different you need to be giving that person a life that is both meaningful and productive.

You also need to have the discernment to avoid presuming you know more about what is better for the client than their family does.

And when you lose that case or client no matter how attached you might have been to them, the healthy self-worth of your business – reliant upon your impeccable track record – guides you through the goodbyes without cutting into your mission, focus or future.

That track record can only exist when you have followed a guided set of systems that contribute to doing things correctly.  This includes proper treatment of personnel and golden glove treatment of those you serve.

So will you move to ensure your business maintains a healthy self-worth?  Sign-in and share your thoughts.


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