Bruce W. McCollum

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Best Practices Journal for Week fo June 2, 2014: “Business-in-a Business Marketing” Could Help Your Outreach Big-Time

PIC - PIZZA HUT LOGOIf you have noticed a sign outside of a Pizza Hut recently you may have noticed it has at the bottom the secondary name, “Wing Street”. Why is that necessary? Well many will only associate pizza with a restaurant that is called Pizza Hut but they want you to know they have chicken wings too.

If you spend any time in Michigan you will see something similar with Art Van Furniture which sells televisions as Pauls’s TV. Many do not come into a furniture store looking for electronics. Are we getting the point so far?

When we have an edge that may not be automatically associated with our business model we need to figure out a way to tell our audience it exists. How many see the term “adult day care” and in their minds envision nothing more than a babysitting service for grandma without any consideration of your rehabilitation or personal care programs. The same can occur in assisted living, especially smaller programs, which have on-staff physicians, cosmetology, a variety of in-house physical rehabilitation services and much more.

Even the smaller programs are often operated by clinical professionals who will ensure each resident’s blood pressure, glucose and more are properly monitored but guess what??? – No one knows that from how you are represented in the community. Do you agree that needs to change if its true in your case?

PIC - BUSINESS IN A BUSINESS LOGO 3 PIC - BUSINESS IN A BUSINESS LOGO 1In some cases it can be a simple as a modification of a logo and associated literature but the end result can serve you well. You are in fact operating a “business within a business” and the rest of us need to know that.

PIC - LINKEDIN LOGOFor more regular updates on business development issues affecting adult day care and assisted living join the groups: Adult Day Care Innovation & Growth and Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies.

Photos used herein are for communicative and/or dramatic affect only and do not represent any affiliation with or support from any particular company or individual.