Bruce W. McCollum

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Be Innovative in Private Duty Home Care

PIC - CAMERA COLLAGEIf you were to look at Howard’s storeroom in his office (we used a different name at his request) you might be surprised at what you will find.  Yes there are plenty of forms and a few computers no longer in use but there is more.  You will find boxes of cameras.  That’s right his market in private duty home care sees him a bit differently than many.  Why?  Because he gets permission from 90% of his clients to install cameras in the common areas of their homes so he can go on-line and observe his staff rendering services.

Obviously these are not placed in bedrooms and bathrooms but they are in living rooms, dining rooms, hallways and home entrances.  He will know if one of his employees welcomes private company into a client’s home which should be against the rules in every private duty home care company.  Further, if an accusation is made by a client relative or other visitor with ill intentions, he has a better chance of defending his company.

Of course before a camera is installed he obtains the written consent of the client, guardian or other legally designated representative.

He can observe interactions between the clients and his staff and ascertain if a change in approach might be needed.  Do you see the innovation?  Can you envision the security he creates for a client’s distant relative who cannot visit frequently to observe how things are going?

You have an obligation to ensure your staff are performing as required.

Of course a successful home care company can do other things to set itself apart including diversifying revenue and establishing a regular routine for the development of personnel.  After all your most valuable product is your people.  Click Here for a recorded presentation about home care success principles.

What may be considered rather simplistic to many can actually reap many rewards in terms of rendering the highest quality services.  Just make sure that even if a part of your strategy is simplistic, that it is also innovative.

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PIC - MANUAL COVERS 2012 2More on success in private duty home care can be found in the Home Care Business Development and Operations Manual located at   Photos used are for communicative affect only and may belong to their respective licensees. They must never be received as an indication of the support or endorsement of or by or affiliation with any individual or organization.  Photos are also not meant to disparage any race, gender, faith, ethnicity or sexual orientation.  The photos used are for the sole purpose of complementing the subject matter written.

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