Whether you operate an adult day care program or an assisted living residence those you serve need medications. Likely you hear from pharmacies on a regular basis asking for the privilege to serve your client base. Many pharmacies offer incentives, some likely bordering on illegal or at least unethical .

It is by no means unheard of to find pharmacies who deliver to care facilities offering computer equipment, cash hand-outs, office supplies and more just to be able to fill the multiple prescriptions many in care facilities require each month.
Providers have to be extremely careful. First of all your respect for those who have called upon you for care should elevate your motives and incite at least a bit of spirituality. You do not want to get caught up in offering to have your residents or clients served by the highest bidder who does the most to enrich you.
Today pharmacies, including those focused on care facilities and who deliver their prescriptions, are learning that they have to offer more than a cash incentive. If they really want to demonstrate a commitment to the quality of your services, they should complement these by offering special training on medication administration, medication storage, medication interactions and more for those rendering direct care. They should offer a hotline to have questions answered on a 24-hour schedule. They should be supporters of non-profit efforts to provide care for those who cannot afford it. They should be in search of other ways, on a regular basis, to be a positive force in the long-term care continuum affecting those whose prescriptions they fill.
Of course such a meaningful partnership only has value if greed is tossed aside, on the part of the care providing agency, i.e. adult day care and assisted living and the pharmacy. Skilled nursing centers require the same type of approach.
The hucksters are numerous and the pharmacy community has its share. This is why its imperative that care providers be discerning in establishing pharmacy relationships.
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