Every business has to conduct meetings. Often these are sales or progress related and perhaps even more often finance related. In the business of care they could include new regulatory requirements, new treatment protocol or new routines in caring for residents and clients or assignments amongst individuals.
These sessions, especially when they are skill related in-services, are crucial to ensuring everyone has the same understanding and is operating on the same operational page, which creates a cohesive pattern of performance. In the absence of such clear direction, there could be serious performance errors and mistakes that could endanger the safety of those being served and the reputation of the care providing entity. This is true in adult day care, assisted living settings, adult foster care for the mentally ill and home care environments.
Even the very best managers and most professional care administrators among us will admit doubting their effectiveness when it comes to conducting meaningful staff interactions. Concerns could range from how to best transition from one subject to another, what is the ideal room temperature or how to respond to inaccurate responses and assertions without robbing attendees of their dignity.
Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. developed a course specifically for care providing companies, now used in adult family care homes, adult day care centers, assisted living facilities, skilled nursing homes and other venues.
Its clear, well illustrated advice helps all managers to conduct more effective staff meetings with the goal of having the best operation around.
After all, if we cannot hold the attention of those we employ, it will be less likely that we will hold the attention of those we serve or look to serve in the future.
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Click Here to Obtain the Course
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