Bruce W. McCollum

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All Stimulation Outlets Must be Pursued and Used….


Commitment to your population in a group home environment generally manifests itself in a number of ways.  Following the established Plan of Care and varying it as  resident’s needs change are among the indications that an owner is truly person-centered.

However, if an owner of a residential care program is truly committed, he/she will investigate and to the extent applicable, execute any stimulating program that can be of benefit to the resident physically, cognitively and emotionally.  This includes investigating the usage of certain therapies that could help a person to adapt to circumstances and maintain a non-confrontational approach to everyday issues.

Dance movement therapy complements agility, circulation and self-worth.

This is especially applicable for homes that serve residents with a mental health history.  We have plenty of scientific evidence that supports the clinical value of art, music and dance movement therapy, reimbursable via Medicare under the right circumstances.

When properly used and led by qualified individuals, they add a clinical and cognitively rehabilitative edge to residential and even adult day programs.  Sure they also represent an additional income source, but above and beyond that they represent a clear indication of a progressive care program in place.

Some residential providers have branched into adult day services and take this same commitment to the adult day care population.  This ensures that every aspect of possible stimulation for those being served is pursued.

Rand De Mattei, a music instructor with Blues in the Schools, gets in tune with Petty Officer 2nd Class Tyreen S. McRae, a participant in neurologic music therapy, at Naval Medical Center San Diego Feb. 28. Neurologic music therapy helps Wounded Warriors
Music therapy adds to self-worth, self-importance and inner calmness

The leadership and involvement of experienced social workers is also a wonderful and needed complement.

Those requiring assistance in establishing such a therapeutic program for residential care homes or adult day programs should contact our offices at 866.982.4449 Ext. 101 or via email to:

Remember, if we are committed to being the best, we are also committed to providing the best to those we serve.

Let’s keep doing good, and watch the benefits to those who rely upon us.

Your thoughts!


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Contact the Blogger:  Phone: 866.982.4449, Ext. 101

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