Bruce W. McCollum

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A Way to make Early Splash in Multi-Faceted Case Management

PIC - CASE MANAGEMENT BIG PICTUREI have long advocated for the support of case managers and for reimbursement to those who help the medically fragile elderly make conscientious long-term care decisions. Medicare needs to open the floodgates for this important level of professional counseling.

Many enter the world of case management each year. I recall my involvement with a focus on older adults with fondness. New case managers often struggle to build their practices. Those who want to serve multiple populations, i.e. older adults and those relying upon benefit payments via Michigan’s auto no-fault law, have an even steeper hill to climb.

How then can one enter and make a real splash without waiting for years to get their feet well-grounded? Purchase an existing case management practice with a marketable reputation, existing revenue and the potential to quadruple in 5 years. There are a number of things to investigate including if any new major referral sources are on the horizons or if any current ones are in jeopardy.

You may even be able to find one you can purchase with a simplistic agreement that allows you to assume control of current expenditures, employing the current owner which keeps client confidence in place. You also benefit from that person’s experience, contacts and expertise.

PIC - THOMAS BEAN AND BWMCase managers provide high-quality, professional direction and relieve family care planning stress. They are also helpful to courts and guardians and in the process advocate for the highest quality way of life for those they serve. We need them.

For more information on currently available opportunities for case management practice ownership contact us: