Bruce W. McCollum

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A Vital Area of Mind Control

We have to work at controlling our own minds in order to remain productive people.

Oh what a profound and yet profane expression to some, “mind-control“.  For many it refers to allowing someone or something to gain control of our mental faculties often to the point of dangerous or subservient outcomes.  This is not about what we speak today.

Today we speak about how the human mind – within the person who lacks healthy self-worth or appreciation for self-accomplishment or who has been emotionally beaten and devalued by others –  can gravitate to the role of victim.  What follows are thoughts that make you feel as though you could hurt someone else to ease your own pain or at least wish harm upon someone you perceive to be an enemy, perhaps after a simple disagreement or misunderstanding.

In some cases if we feel a relationship we held as valuable disappoints us in any way, we go on the defensive to protect ourselves after building that emotional wall we put in place when we were hurt before.

In each scenario an unhealthy usage of the mind is at work and it can only get worse!  What should we do?

Its time to practice some better “mind-control”.

We have to work daily at being our best without total dependence upon how we are validated by others

In the course of our own pain it is urgent that we remind ourselves of our own value.  To feed this thinking process we need to be busy with good works from helping others to developing projects that fulfill and care for our own needs and our own mental health.

We also have to ask ourselves if our expectations of others falls in line with their abilities, the nature of the relationship or what they have actually committed to us versus what we would like to have committed to us.  The ole, “fantasy vs reality” conundrum.  And yes it even applies in business relationships!

Yes mind control is a big deal and one all of us have to pay attention to.  If we choose not to, lots of major disappointment and heartache await.

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