It has been wonderful for my team and I to develop educational items for jurists, specifically judges of probate courts, adult protective services workers and others on the subject of understanding the various levels of dementia, cognitive deficit in general and Alzheimer’s disease. Judges and APS workers are making decisions daily that affect the lives of people who one moment may appear as lucid as a young Ronald Reagan when a few hours later they may not be able to tell you what day it is.

The recent legal changes in the State of Connecticut really struck a chord. Connecticut recently passed a law which mandates Alzheimer’s and dementia-specific training for a wide range of personnel, including emergency medical technicians (EMTs), probate judges, paid conservators, and protective services employees, (APS) as well as staff in senior care facilities. The new requirements (pursuant to SB 179) will affect training in nursing homes, residential care homes and assisted living services agencies, home health agencies and hospice care.
We introduced a specialized training program that allows those who are required to receive this training to complete it on demand using pre-recorded items available in the Care Knowledge Store at The impact has the potential to be huge.
From judges having to make financial and care rulings affecting the elderly to adult protective services workers having to make on-the-spot decisions about a person’s environment and care, knowledge of the condition this person suffers from is critical. Click here to read the Press Release.
The training covers:
2. Spotting cognitive deficit
3. Interpreting medical reports
4. Why postponements of certain rulings have advantages
and more….

Everyone it appears has something to sell. My team and I just want to be sure that what we offer has the power to create positive change. We look forward to helping many to comply with the new Connecticut statute in important ways.
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Photos used are for communicative affect only and may belong to their respective licensees. They must never be received as an indication of the support or endorsement of or by or affiliation with any individual or organization. The judge pictured here is for the sole purpose of highlighting what is written. The blogger has no personal familiarity with him or his rulings.
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