Bruce W. McCollum

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A Change in Title Could Change Results…

SalesmanI tend to lean against job titles such as Business Development Representative, Community Relations Liaison, Marketing Director, etc. Well at least I do when it comes to long-term care providers. After all we are serving humans. In the process of that the lives of people are affected for the good: Family caregivers avoid burnout, safe-dignified personal care is often transferred into an adult day care center, an abused person now has safety in the best managed assisted living program. Good things have happened thanks to your efforts. So you have stories to tell about your contributions to humanity – so how about a new job designation: Messenger.

Your job should be first and foremost focused on telling the stories about what you do and the positive impact upon the existence of others. Then from the story you take the dialogue to your willingness and availability to continue your fine work on behalf of even more individuals and families. Could a mindset change be in the mix here?

Good day, Messenger.

PIC - LINKEDIN LOGOHear much more on a regular basis: Join the groups: Adult Day Care Innovation & Growth and Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies.