Bruce W. McCollum

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4 Major Sucess Essentials in Business Life

PIC - MAN IN A RUSHEveryday the routine continues, and hopefully for most that routine is enjoyable and fulfilling. After all if we are not enjoying work and family life can become pretty humdrum.

PIC - FRUSTRATED BUSINESSMANSome get frustrated, questioning why things may or may not be moving as steadily as they would like. The concern is understandable but there are things we can do to keep the wheels in motion. Here are a few.

1. Start each day with a to-do List
This is especially important if you are new in business. You need to be maximizing your number of daily contacts, etc. in order to be sure that your audience is developing a familiarity with you, your brand and your work. You should schedule specific time to manage your entity’s social media communications, etc. My team and I are often responsible for 5,000 pieces of marketing mail every other day and we always get it done. In the absence of this outreach and organization how can your project grow?

2. Learn and Accept what Others can do Better
With the onset of social media and other on-line styled marketing firms who really do get results, it might be time to decide which of them can work best for you. You need to be marketed while you are sleeping which complements networking you do for your business. There are and others that have decent track records. They are worth exploring.

3. Create Environment of Concentration
Even if you work from home most of the time, you need an environment of concentration and productivity. The children need to be occupied and away from the space you need most of the day to get your work done. Without such focus there can be days and days of nothing getting done as the bills pile up and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Your joy can go right out of the window. Time stands till for no one!

4. Limit Negative Exposure
That conversation about totally unrelated items or that does nothing but waste your time needs to be abandoned. The world is full of those who want to drag us into their drama or make their battles our battles and serious entrepreneurs cannot afford the distraction. So be discerning about what you loan your ears to.

Hopefully when we combine them all, we will heighten our chances of success in every category of our existence, including business.

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